Bible Study

Bible Study


Personal Evangelism

It is among the most overlooked commands of God in Scripture - “Teach Others Also”  II Timothy 2:2. We are learning the Truth and applying the Truth in hopes that we can also share these soul saving principles with lost souls around us. This series is designed to ignite our fire, both individually and collectively, in doing exactly that.  We will see the passages that direct us to be evangelistic. We will examine the teaching approach of the Master Teacher Jesus. We will discuss and illustrate simple, but highly effective, ways in which individual Christians and entire local churches can create an evangelistic culture among them. Our goal is to be better equipped to glorify the King and bring us to His throne.  If this is of interest to you, please consider listening to our Evangelism series. Click here to access the recorded series and click here to download "The Gospel Message" study guide.

Sermon on the Mount

“When Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain; and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him. He opened His mouth and began to teach them, saying, ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven’”Matthew 5:1-3.  From the very first words of Jesus’ powerful sermon, He turned their world upside down. He described victory in terms of humility not pride. He spoke of blessings beyond this realm and in connection with His majestic kingdom.  For three chapters, Jesus challenges His disciples to learn about kingdom living. He helps them find their purpose in life and gives them the direction to live it well. This study is a walk through that sermon, breaking down Jesus’ message into 8 easy to remember sections. We hope you will take the time to sit at Jesus’ feet with us.  Click here to access the recorded series and click here to download "The Sermon On The Mount" study guide.

Proving Jesus:  The Gospel of Matthew

The story of Jesus is told in four Gospels.  Each writer has a special purpose for the way they organize the stories and messages from Jesus' life.  Matthew uses a powerful, systematic, step by step approach to proving the Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.  If you are someone who like to learn and teach in steps, this Gospel will appeal to you. Step 1: Genealogies prove Jesus, Step 2: Prophecy prove Jesus, and so forth.  Once you get to the empty tomb in chapter 28, there is absolutely no doubt to the honest heart that Christ is King and we must serve and honor Him entirely.  Click here to access the recorded series and click here to download the "Matthew" class study guide.

The Bible Survey

Survey: “A general view, examination, or description of something.”  That is exactly what this material is designed to be: a general overview, a piecing together of the Scriptures in our minds.  This study may be described as a “bird’s eye view” of the Bible.  When we can step back and see the big picture, we can then zoom in on sections and know the context and see more clearly what God is doing.  Our goal is to have a good understanding of the ways God has dealt with man and the way God deals with mankind today.  The Bible is an incredible book, and we simply seek to appreciate it in ways that bring us ever closer to our God.  Click here to access the recorded series and click here to download "The Bible Survey" study guide.

Churches of Asia

In this study, we look briefly at some of the churches of Asia which are mentioned in the book of Revelation.  The classes begin with a brief view of the history of the city and the church at each location.  The strengths and weaknesses of the churches are then highlighted, as told to us by Jesus in the message to the churches.  The bulk of each lesson is dedicated to the application that we can draw from each church.  There are many valuable lessons that we can apply both as a church and individually from this study. Click here to access the recorded series and click here to download the "Churches of Asia" Power Point presentation slides.

Alcohol and the Bible

We live in a society where alcohol consumption is socially acceptable and represents a norm for many Americans.  Even people who wear the name “Christian” often support social drinking.  They say things like: “Jesus drank wine, so we can drink beer.  As long as we don’t get drunk.”  But before a conclusion can be drawn on social drinking, the Bible must be heard.  We must learn what God says about alcohol, and then make honest determinations about wines of the Bible in comparison to beverages available today.  And then, we must challenge ourselves to answer some very pointed and important questions on this topic.  Perhaps a good starting point for you will be this short packet of material.  We pray it brings you closer to God’s will on this important subject.  Click here to access the recorded sermon and click here to download "Alcohol and the Bible" study guide (a cover page for the study guide is here).

The Book of Daniel

The stories of Daniel’s life span from his teenage years likely up into his seventies.  They are recorded for us in the first 6 chapters of this powerful book.  While many of us have read about these events and dreams and choices since our youth, they continue to be timelessly valuable for the growing Christian.  In the second half of the letter, chapters 7-12, we are introduced to incredibly detailed visions concerning the four kingdoms from Daniel to Christ.  There is rich historical detail, as well as potent prophetic language.  That language serves to prepare us for a study of Revelation, as John employs many of the same images.  So, this book has something for everyone.  We invite you to study Daniel along with us.  Click here to access the recorded series and click here to download "The Book of Daniel" study guide.  Click here for associated slides.

The Book of Revelation

Revelation is likely the most challenging letter in the entire New Testament. But there are some things we can do to make it easier.  First, we can study Daniel.  John’s language in Revelation is often borrowed from Daniel.  Second, we can learn some history about Rome and its persecution of first century Christians.  Third, we can read the phrases “must soon take place” and “the time is near” in the first and last chapter, to help us see the prophecies of the letter had first and second century implications.  Fourth, and this is what the slide show is about, we can see the letter in sections, like a four act play, and it can help us digest the material within.  If that’s something you’d like to try, check out the material provided.  Click here to access the recorded series and click here to download "The Book of Revelation" study guide.

The 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ

John McArthur wrote the book “Twelve Ordinary Men,” in which he looked at the men whom Jesus chose to begin His church.  They were not scholars.  They were not even from Jerusalem.  They had varied backgrounds and wildly differing personalities.  But they came together for the cause of Christ!  This material represents what the class teacher took from John McArthur's book, in addition to some personal study additions.  The class is intended to give us an insight into the men we know as “Apostles” and set the stage for a study of their work in the book of Acts.  Click here to access the recorded series and click here to download "The 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ" study guide.

The Acts of the 12 Apostles  (Acts 1-12)

This is a follow-up study to our recent series on the Acts of the Apostles.  We chronicle the days following the ascension of Jesus.  Luke’s Gospel ends with that event, and Luke picks up right where he left off in Acts chapter 1.  This study looks at the first twelve chapters of Acts, so as to follow the actions of the Apostles whom Jesus chose.  This covers the church in Jerusalem (Acts 1-7) and the church in Judea and Samaria (Acts 8-12).  This study concludes there because the remainder of the book of Acts is devoted to the work and journeys of the Apostle Paul and that will be a covered in a separate study.  The layout of the class material is designed to note the most memorable and doctrinally important events of each chapter, while also trying to memorize the content of each chapter.  Click here to access the recorded series and click here to download "The Acts of the 12 Apostles" class material.

The Epistles of Peter

Peter’s story and time spent with Jesus is well documented in the Gospels, teaching us much about his personality.  Peter’s stand for Christ and efforts to help the church grow are equally well documented in Acts, showing us the level of his love for Christ.  But no study of Peter can be complete without looking at the two short letters he wrote late in his life.  It was likely written about 65 A.D. and Peter is writing from Rome, shortly before he is martyred.  It is his final set of reminders to God’s people concerning unwavering Truths about Jesus.  Come on a short journey with us to investigate that Truth and appreciate how timeless and relevant this Gospel message continues to be.  Click here to access the recorded series.

Genesis: Beginning of Victory

Okay, how many times have you read through Genesis?  Since it is the start of most Bible reading programs, probably more than once or twice.  We are enthralled with learning about our beginning and seeing the influence of God in people’s lives dating back to the origin of man.  We track God’s providential care and the amazing consistency of His promises from Adam, up through the life of Joseph.  But have you ever read it with the author and original audience in mind?  When we consider to whom Moses was writing, and when this letter was handed to them in their history, something incredible happens.  We understand more deeply the stories within and their intended purpose.  And then we are even better equipped to carry on application to our lives as well! Please consider coming along with us, as we place ourselves in the Israelite camp on the East bank of the Jordan river and read the great story of Genesis:  The Beginning of Victory.  Click here to access the recorded series.


Epistles were written to be read, not merely analyzed. In our Romans class we use one class reading a chapter publically and laying out a basic outline.  In the second class of the week, we cycle back through the text addressing specific questions.  This is not a verse-by-verse study.  This is a chapter-by-chapter examination of the flow of the letter, with specific emphasis on remember key ideas for each chapter.  Click here to access the recorded series and click here to download "Romans" class slides.

Ecclesiastes: The Search For Meaning

Ecclesiastes is Solomon’s most practical offering from the Old Testament.  Each chapter demonstrates the vain realities of life under the sun, while also integrating recommendations and advise to help us live the very best way we can.  This study is a chapter-by-chapter layout of Solomon’s wisdom for our lives here on earth.  We have also integrated a Color Bible Marking approach to the book that will have lasting benefit far beyond this 12 weeks study.  Click here to access the recorded series and click here to download the "Ecclesiastes" class material.


Epistles were written to be read, not merely analyzed.  In our Ephesians study we will utilize an entire class simply reading the chapter aloud and laying out a basic outline.  In the follow up class, we revisit that chapter and address specific questions corresponding to the text.  This is not a verse-by-verse study.  This is a chapter-by-chapter examination of the flow of the letter.  Click here to access the recorded series.


The Book of I John

I John is a short letter.  However, it is filled with themes that invigorate daily Christian living.  In this material, we work our way through the five chapters in a unique way.  Instead of verse by verse, or section by section, we approach the letter based upon the themes therein.  There are at least 13 different ideas John packs into this potent letter.  Each week we explore a different theme, adding one on top of another, to provide a solid picture of the fellowship and love that John seeks to instill in hearts of Christ’s people.  Click here to access the recorded series. 

Click here to download the student version of the class material.  Click here to download the teacher version of the class material.