Online Media

Online Media

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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
Studies on the Holy Spirit (Part 4) -  The Holy Spirit in Acts 10/23/11 Studies on the Holy Spirit (Part 4) - The Holy Spirit in Acts Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM Studies_On_The_Holy_Spirit-Part_4-The_H.S._in_Acts.ppt Studies_On_The_Holy_Spirit-part_4-The_H.S._in_Acts.doc _Date_10_23_2011_AM.mp3
Studies on the Holy Spirit (Part 2) -  The Holy Spirit in the Gospels 10/16/11 Studies on the Holy Spirit (Part 2) - The Holy Spirit in the Gospels Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM Studies_On_The_Holy_Spirit-Part_2-The_Holy_Spirit_In_The_Gospels.ppt Studies_On_The_Holy_Spirit.doc _Date_10_16_2011_AM.mp3
Studies on the Holy Spirit (Part 3) -  The Nature of the Godhead 10/16/11 Studies on the Holy Spirit (Part 3) - The Nature of the Godhead Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun PM Studies_On_The_Holy_Spirit-Part_3-The_Godhead.ppt Studies_On_The_Holy_Spirit-part_3-The_Godhead.doc
Studies on the Holy Spirit (Part 1) -  The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament 10/09/11 Studies on the Holy Spirit (Part 1) - The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM Studies_On_The_Holy_Spirit-The_HS_in_the_OT.ppt Studies_On_The_Holy_Spirit-In_The_Old_Testament.doc _Date_10_09_2011_AM.mp3
Ignorance and Apathy 10/09/11 Ignorance and Apathy Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun PM Ignorance_And_Apathy.ppt Ignorance_And_Apathy.doc _Date_10_09_2011_PM.mp3
The Qualifications of Deacons 10/02/11 The Qualifications of Deacons Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Qualifications_Of_A_Deacon.ppt The_Qualifications_Of_A_Deacon.doc _Date_10_02_2011_AM.mp3
Godliness is Profitable for the Life That  Now Is 10/02/11 Godliness is Profitable for the Life That Now Is Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun PM Godliness_Is_Profitable_For_The_Life_That_Now_Is.ppt _Date_10_02_2011_PM.mp3 Godliness_Is_Profitable_For_The_Life_That_Now_Is.doc
The Inspiration of the Bible - The Unity  and Harmony of the Bible 09/25/11 The Inspiration of the Bible - The Unity and Harmony of the Bible Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Unity_And_The_Harmony_Of_The_Bible2.ppt The_Unity_And_The_Harmony_Of_The_Bible2.doc _Date_09_25_2011_The_Unity_and_Harmony.mp3
Translations of the Bible 09/18/11 Translations of the Bible Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM Translations_Of_The_Bible.ppt Translations_Of_The_Bible.doc _Date_09_18_2011_AM.mp3
The Inspiration of the Bible - Historic  and Scientific Accuracy of the Bible 09/18/11 The Inspiration of the Bible - Historic and Scientific Accuracy of the Bible Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Inspiration_Of_The_Bible-Historic_and_Scientific_Accuracy.ppt Historic_and_Scientific_Accuracy.doc _Date_09_18_2011_PM.mp3
The Inspiration of the Bible 09/11/11 The Inspiration of the Bible Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Transmission_of_the_Bible-1438715471.ppt The_Transmission_Of_The_Bible-1438715471.doc _Date_09_11_2011_AM.mp3
The Inspiration of the Bible - The  Prophetic Accuracy of the Bible 09/11/11 The Inspiration of the Bible - The Prophetic Accuracy of the Bible Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Prophetic_Accuracy_Of_The_Bible2.doc The_Prophetic_Accuracy_Of_The_Bible2.ppt _Date_09_11_2011_PM.mp3
The Transmission of the Bible 09/04/11 The Transmission of the Bible Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Transmission_of_the_Bible.ppt The_Transmission_Of_The_Bible.doc _Date_09_04_2011_AM.mp3
Keys to Rejoicing in the Lord 09/04/11 Keys to Rejoicing in the Lord Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun PM Philippians-The_Keys_To_Rejoicing_In_The_Lord.ppt Philippians-Keys_To_Rejoicing_In_The_Lord.doc _Date_09_04_2011_PM.mp3
Grid Theology 08/28/11 Grid Theology Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM Studies_On_The_Church-part_9-Grid_Theology.doc Grid_Theology.ppt _Date_08_28_2011_PM.mp3
Studies About The Church - Part 8:  Restrictions God Placed on the Local  Church 08/21/11 Studies About The Church - Part 8: Restrictions God Placed on the Local Church Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM Studies_On_The_Church-part_8-Restrictions_on_the_church.ppt Studies_On_The_Church-part_8.doc _Date_08_21_2011_AM.mp3
All Things Have Become New 08/21/11 All Things Have Become New Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun PM All_Things_Have_Become_New.ppt All_Things_Have_Become_New.doc _Date_08_21_2011_PM.mp3
Do Not Become Discouraged 08/14/11 Do Not Become Discouraged Muffaletto, Jeffrey Sermon N/A Sun PM _Date_08_14_2011_PM.mp3
Studies About The Church - Part 7:  The History of Centralized Authority  (Part 1) 08/07/11 Studies About The Church - Part 7: The History of Centralized Authority (Part 1) Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM Studies_On_The_Church-Part_7.ppt Studies_On_The_Church-Part_7-.doc _Date_08_07_2011_AM.mp3
Tactics for Finding Joy: Worship 08/07/11 Tactics for Finding Joy: Worship Muffaletto, Jeffrey Sermon N/A Sun PM _Date_08_07_2011_PM.mp3
Studies About The Church - Part 7:  The History of Centralized Authority  (Part 2) 08/07/11 Studies About The Church - Part 7: The History of Centralized Authority (Part 2) Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun PM Studies_On_The_Church-Part_7-1438714212.ppt Studies_On_The_Church-Part_7--1438714212.doc _Date_08_14_2011_AM.mp3
Spiritual Integrity 07/31/11 Spiritual Integrity Fancher Jr., Wayne Sermon N/A Sun AM _Date_07_31_2011.mp3
Christian Growth 07/17/11 Christian Growth Shipley, Ben Sermon N/A Sun AM _Date_07_17_2011_AM_Spiritual_Growth.mp3
Standing Firm 07/17/11 Standing Firm Dietzel, Jimmie Sermon N/A Sun PM _Date_07_17_2011_PM_Standing_Firm.mp3
Standing Firm 07/17/11 Standing Firm Dietzel, Jimmie Sermon N/A Sun PM

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